Gatsby users now have the ability to save campaigns as templates for future use! Located in any event under campaigns, is a new tab called “Templates”.
Gatsby templates are located by opening any event or group, and clicking Campaigns. On the left hand side, under New Campaign, you will see Templates.
Templates are divided into two sections: “Campaign Templates” and “Starter Templates”.
Campaign Templates are specific to the event or group you are in.
Starter Templates are global to an organization, meaning that anyone in that organization can use these in any event or group they choose.
Gatsby has provided a few starter templates to get you started.
If there are no existing campaigns yet, you will see three areas where you can create a campaign (labelled below).
Creating a New Template
Users can duplicate any template, and edit it to make it their own, by using the drop down arrow to the right of the template. You can also duplicate any Starter Template over to Campaign Templates by clicking Duplicate to Campaign Templates, as shown (or vice versa).
Duplicating a Template
To edit an existing template, click the dropdown beside the template and select Edit. Make any changes and save when done.
NOTE: You cannot edit a Gatsby template. You must duplicate it first, then edit.
Editing an Existing Template
To use a template, from your template list, select the “Load in composer” button in the dropdown menu. Make any final touches to the template inside the composer and its ready to send to your Guests!
Using a Template
Users can also ‘load a template’ into the composer, using the dropdown inside of the email composer.
Saving a Draft as a Template
To save a current draft as a template, click the drop-down while inside the email composer and select “Save as Campaign Template” or “Save as Starter Template”.