What’s New?

Check back often for updates and exciting new features!

February 2023

  • Editable Event URL

    Now you can edit how your event name appears in the invite url!

  • Custom Domain in Team Settings

    You may now use your own domain for invitation URLs.

  • Attach Calendar Invite to Campaigns

    Attach an updated calendar invite file to any campaign.

  • Organization Default Confirmation Email

    You can now set a default confirmation email for your entire organization!

  • Check-In Time Included in Attendance

    On the guest list, you can see exactly when a guest checked in to your event if you used Gatsby’s check-in feature!

  • Global Unsubscribe for Contacts (aka ‘The Blacklist’)

    You can now set a contact to be unsubscribed from all communications from your organization.

  • Bounced Email Address Warnings [Gmail]

    No more worrying if an email has bounced! We’ve now added warnings across the app to flag email addresses with recorded bounces.

  • Bounced RSVP Status

    Guests’ RSVP status will be automatically updated to Bounced if an invitation bounces from their email address.

  • *Beta* Google Intelligent Contact Suggestions

    We’re excited to announce that we have added Intelligent Google Contact Suggestions from your linked Google Account!

  • Save RSVP Question Responses to Custom Fields on the Contact

    You can now permanently save any guest responses back to their contact profile page!

  • Invitation Type Column

    Filter by invitation type from the guest list table (public link, personalized link, etc).

  • List Building: Add Guests from One Event to Another Event

    While possible before to pull guests in from the new list, you can now push guests from the old list too.

  • Improved Guest Search

    You can now search by email! And guests already added will be tagged!

  • Address Column

    Address column has now been added on the contacts table!

  • Create Guests in Gatsby from Zoom Attendance

    Zoom attendees will be automatically created and added to the Gatsby guest list if they do not yet exist on the guest list.

  • Smart Tags for your Event Details

    You can now auto-fill event details using smart tags in the campaigns composer and the confirmation email editor.

  • Upload CSVs to Specific Sections on the Table

    You may now upload a CSV to a specific section on the guest list or Groups table.

  • Salesforce Integration

    Connect your Salesforce and quickly import your Salesforce Campaigns!

  • Select All by Section on Guest list

    Using Command + Click on the select all checkbox in the top left corner of the table, you can select which section(s) you would like to select all.

  • Change RSVP Background color

    On the right side of the rsvp editing page you can adjust the background color for your invitation page.

  • Clearer Test Links and Test Emails

    Test RSVP page will include a large banner at the top.

  • Additional Button for Duplicating a Sent Campaign

    Inside of a campaign there is now a “Duplicate” button which will open a new draft with the same subject, sender, and email contents.

  • Improved API Functionality

    We’ve added more functionality to the Gatsby API, allowing teams to build their own integrations with Gatsby.