What’s New?
Check back often for updates and exciting new features!
February 2023
Editable Event URL
Now you can edit how your event name appears in the invite url!
Custom Domain in Team Settings
You may now use your own domain for invitation URLs.
Attach Calendar Invite to Campaigns
Attach an updated calendar invite file to any campaign.
Organization Default Confirmation Email
You can now set a default confirmation email for your entire organization!
Check-In Time Included in Attendance
On the guest list, you can see exactly when a guest checked in to your event if you used Gatsby’s check-in feature!
Global Unsubscribe for Contacts (aka ‘The Blacklist’)
You can now set a contact to be unsubscribed from all communications from your organization.
Bounced Email Address Warnings [Gmail]
No more worrying if an email has bounced! We’ve now added warnings across the app to flag email addresses with recorded bounces.
Bounced RSVP Status
Guests’ RSVP status will be automatically updated to Bounced if an invitation bounces from their email address.
*Beta* Google Intelligent Contact Suggestions
We’re excited to announce that we have added Intelligent Google Contact Suggestions from your linked Google Account!
Save RSVP Question Responses to Custom Fields on the Contact
You can now permanently save any guest responses back to their contact profile page!
Invitation Type Column
Filter by invitation type from the guest list table (public link, personalized link, etc).
List Building: Add Guests from One Event to Another Event
While possible before to pull guests in from the new list, you can now push guests from the old list too.
Improved Guest Search
You can now search by email! And guests already added will be tagged!
Address Column
Address column has now been added on the contacts table!
Create Guests in Gatsby from Zoom Attendance
Zoom attendees will be automatically created and added to the Gatsby guest list if they do not yet exist on the guest list.
Smart Tags for your Event Details
You can now auto-fill event details using smart tags in the campaigns composer and the confirmation email editor.
Upload CSVs to Specific Sections on the Table
You may now upload a CSV to a specific section on the guest list or Groups table.
Salesforce Integration
Connect your Salesforce and quickly import your Salesforce Campaigns!
Select All by Section on Guest list
Using Command + Click on the select all checkbox in the top left corner of the table, you can select which section(s) you would like to select all.
Change RSVP Background color
On the right side of the rsvp editing page you can adjust the background color for your invitation page.
Clearer Test Links and Test Emails
Test RSVP page will include a large banner at the top.
Additional Button for Duplicating a Sent Campaign
Inside of a campaign there is now a “Duplicate” button which will open a new draft with the same subject, sender, and email contents.
Improved API Functionality
We’ve added more functionality to the Gatsby API, allowing teams to build their own integrations with Gatsby.