What’s New?

Check back often for updates and exciting new features!

October 2022

  • Gatsby Onboarding

    A very cool new feature is that users can now onboard in the product! First time users will have a full tour of key features. Check out some other workflows as well!

    Watch tutorial video

  • Guest Overview Table

    Have you ever wanted to quickly see which event got which invites? Now you can ~ check out Gatsby’s new Guest Overview table and see whether that guest was ever sent (or not sent) that invite!

  • Scheduling Campaign

    We have all had those late nights - working on a campaign, but wished we could send it to arrive the next morning. With Gatsby’s new Schedule Campaign, you don’t have to get up early to send that campaign anymore! Draft it the night before - and it will automatically be sent for you!

  • Customizable Confirmation Email

    Users can now design their event confirmation emails however they like! Perhaps you want to include images and links?

  • Customizable Calendar Invite

    Calendar invites are now customizable to include personalized links to the event or additional details. What are you going to put on your next invite?

  • View Only Links

    Have you ever wanted to share a file or document that you have in Gatsby? Well, now you can with View Only links!