Unsubscribe Links

Guests and recipients can now remove themselves from further communication from an event or group.

We’ve added a new #unsubscribe tag that will insert a unsubscribe link into your email, which allows guests/recipients to remove themselves from further communication from that event or group.

To add the unsubscribe tag, simply go to your campaign and type #unsubscribe. You will see in the image above, by typing the first few letters, it will pull up the unsubscribe. Click on that to add it to your message.

Click on the word and it will bring up an “Edit Link” box. Users can display as button, change text color or underline. Continue your message and click send.

When a recipient clicks on the unsubscribe link, they will hit this confirmation page shown here, which will allow them to send you a message or resubscribe.

In the campaign details page, you will see a failed status for any guests that have unsubscribed

You can also see who unsubscribed/resubscribed to your campaigns from the guestlist table or group table using the “Unsubscribed” column.