What are the definitions of invite status?

Pending: Gatsby will send the invite out, but hasn't yet because of how we rate-limit sends. We space out the emails that go out so that your emails aren't flagged as spam.

Success: Gatsby successfully passed along the email to your email client to send out. This isn't the best name, because we could have "*succeeded*" but the email can still bounce back.

Seen: Our low/medium-confidence guess is that the guest has seen the email. More specifically, the email has been opened by someone or something. This is unreliable currently (and will never be perfect) because two things can go wrong:

1. **False Positive**: the guest's email server "opens" the email to scan for viruses and essentially reports back to Gatsby that the email was opened.

2. **False Negative**: the guest has a secure email server that doesn't report back to Gatsby or the guest doesn't load images on the invitation email.