How do I run a post Event Survey in Gatsby?

After your event concludes, you might consider conducting a survey to gather feedback. Gatsby simplifies this process for you!

To begin, you must either generate a new event or replicate the existing one, using the identical name as the original event but appending "Survey" to it.

NOTE: In case you opt to initiate a new event, you will have to import the guest list. Alternatively, if you duplicate the event, remove the checkboxes located under the "duplicate" heading. It is worth noting that the timing and nature of the Survey event are inconsequential, so it is recommended to keep those fields unchanged.



After you have created your Survey event, proceed with the following steps.

Step One

Access your primary event and utilize the attendance filter to indicate the attendees. To achieve this, go to the Guest List and click on Filters/Attendance. This will display the list of individuals. Use the top dropdown to select all of them. From the pop-up menu, select Add to Event. Choose the Survey event, and you will see that the guests have been transferred to the Survey event.

Step Two

Proceed to the Survey Event. You will notice that your guests have been added to the Guest List. Click on RSVP to begin crafting your survey. The crucial step here is to click on the eyeball icon (activated when hovering over the date/time) to conceal the date particulars. You can also add text or images to the body if you wish to do so. This is also where you can include any questions in the survey.

Listed below are some typical survey questions that you may want to include in your survey. Make sure to incorporate a variety of question types and indicate whether they are required or optional:

How satisfied were you with the event?
Do you plan to attend this conference in the future, and why?
How can we improve for next year?
How likely are you to recommend this conference to a friend or colleague?
How satisfied are you with the quality of the networking opportunities?
What did you like most about the event?
Which topics would you like to see covered at future conferences?
What were your favorite experiences or moments?
Do you have any other suggestions or feedback you would like to share?

Step Three

Once you have finished formulating your survey questions, select the "Public Link" option located in gray at the top. Ensure that all the Public Link Settings are unchecked. Click on the URL in the center to copy it. At this stage, you may choose to dispatch a confirmation email. If you opt to do so, click on "Confirmation Email" and type your message.

TIP: It is advisable to paste the copied URL into your browser and check to make sure it appears as intended before distributing it to everyone. You can try it out now by completing the survey. Once you have finished, return to the Guest List in the Survey event, and you will see the sample information you entered.

Step Four

At this stage, your survey is prepared to be dispatched. Go to the Guest List and select everyone by clicking the top box. Choose "Send a Message." Compose your message, ensuring that you include #PublicRSVPLink in the body to avoid any calendar links being sent out. Change the text language from "register here" to "here." Fill out the Campaign Name/Send From and Subject, and then send the message.